Business security is always important, whether you’re a small office, a large retail store, or a huge operation with a busy warehouse. In regard to the latter, keeping your business, stock, and workers safe is paramount, and it’s very easy for warehouse theft to occur without the proper security procedures in place.

At AST London, we have a wealth of security products that are designed for business and warehouse protection.

How to Secure Your Warehouse from Theft

Here are the top five ways you can secure your warehouse from theft and protect your business assets. Be sure to check out our blog page for further tips.

1. Install Solid Doors

Your main warehouse door is going to be the first entry point for any potential thief, so you’ll want to make it as secure as possible. Not only should you install solid doors like heavy-duty steel doors, but you should also think about extra security options, such as automated doors and roller shutters.

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2. CCTV Systems

Having a visible CCTV system both outside and inside your warehouse will act as a deterrent for any criminal activity. CCTV systems are also essential security features to help you monitor your warehouse activity, and if the worst was to happen, it’s important to have a recorded feed as evidence.

3. Have an Organised Staff System

Warehouses can get crowded and busy. If you have a small business, you may even only have a few warehouse employees on hand. It’s very easy for a warehouse to be left unattended, even for a few moments, or for the main warehouse door to be left open if an employee gets distracted.

The more organised you are with staff, the more you can depend on there always being someone present to monitor the warehouse door.

4. Keep an Up-to-Date Inventory

It’s always possible for theft to happen without your knowledge. The only way you’ll discover this is if you can tell when something is missing from your warehouse inventory. Keeping an up-to-date record with regular checks means you can quickly pinpoint when something is amiss.

5. Install a Door Entry System

Ensure that only the relevant people can access your warehouse with a door entry system. This will keep out any person who doesn’t belong there and can help you to better manage security permissions. Get staff members to sign in and out and combine this with the other security measures for the best results.

Keep Your Warehouse Protected with AST London Security Technology

Securing your warehouse can be done in many ways, and it’s important to explore the best options for you. At AST, we have a wide variety of security systems suited for warehouses and more. You can use our contact page to discuss anything we offer.

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