Why are Access Control Systems so important for overall safety? With this system you can ensure that no unauthorised individuals enter your building without the proper personal identification.

No body wants to sit wondering if the person that just entered is unwanted, so for peace of mind, make sure you have a Door Entry System that helps keep you, and your colleagues or family safe.

  • AST provide a range of communal door entry solutions to suit client’s individual requirements.

  • Door entry solutions range from different designs and sizes to meet the most challenging or upmarket environments. We offer hardwired or GSM telephone based systems.

  • AST manage the entire installation process from contacting residents to booking installation appointments and providing training.

  • AST door entry systems can be integrated with access control systems and CCTV systems.

  • If you are concerned about running cables through the building our GSM telephone based system will be the solution

  • AST offer competitive leasing options to finance new door entry systems, in conjunction with our preferred partner, Shire Leasing

Learn more about our different Door Entry Systems and how to keep them maintained by clicking on any of the buttons below.

Ready for peace of mind? Contact us here. 


Why are Access Control Systems so important for overall safety? With this system you can ensure that no unauthorised individuals enter your building without the proper personal identification.

No body wants to sit wondering if the person that just entered is unwanted, so for peace of mind, make sure you have a Door Entry System that helps keep you, and your colleagues or family safe.

  • AST provide a range of communal door entry solutions to suit client’s individual requirements.

  • Door entry solutions range from different designs and sizes to meet the most challenging or upmarket environments. We offer hardwired or GSM telephone based systems.

  • AST manage the entire installation process from contacting residents to booking installation appointments and providing training.

  • AST door entry systems can be integrated with access control systems and CCTV systems.

  • If you are concerned about running cables through the building our GSM telephone based system will be the solution

  • AST offer competitive leasing options to finance new door entry systems, in conjunction with our preferred partner, Shire Leasing

Learn more about our different Door Entry Systems and how to keep them maintained by clicking on any of the buttons below.

Ready for peace of mind? Contact us here.