The new year has kicked off and many are making resolutions for their health, careers and relationships, but what about your safety and security? This year, make home security one of your new year’s resolutions and give yourself peace of mind not just after the holidays, but year-round.
5 Tips for a Safer, More Secure Home in 2020
The last thing you want after a happy holiday season is to experience a theft or home break-in. It can be a traumatic experience at worst and a huge headache at best, and trying to track down your stolen belongings is never fun. Setting these home security resolutions is an excellent place to start. Let’s explore how you can kick start your new year, new home security resolutions!
Security Tip #1: Always Double-check Your Doors & Windows are Locked
This might go without saying, but many homeowners are guilty of leaving their windows, patio doors, and even front doors unlocked when they go out or when they go to bed at night. Set a resolution to make sure you always have your windows and doors locked. Make it a goal to double-check the front and back doors before you leave to ensure you haven’t forgotten to secure your home before you leave.
Security Tip #2: Service Your Gates
A home protected by automatic gates is a well-protected home unless there’s some kind of issue with how the gate operates. If this is the case, the gates are practically useless. You should make it a point to have your automatic gates serviced so you can keep them in good working order. Gates that are malfunctioning should get looked at right away because thieves can use this as an opportunity to break in. Remember, it’s important to use a reputable trade body like the Door Hardware Federation, or DHF, so you know the parts and labour are of high standards and high quality.
Security Tip #3: Get an Outdoor Security Camera
You can protect yourself from unwanted or unannounced visitors with an outdoor HD home security cameras. Monitoring the external areas of the building, communal areas can help deter intruders, flytipping and ASB.
Security Tip #4: Upgrade Your Security Measures
Make 2020 the year that you ensure that your security systems are upto date and in good working order. If you’ve been using the same security system for many years, as most homeowners do, it might be time for some modern upgrades.
For private residential users, a home smart system can provide extra peace of mind because they include a security system, but also can automate your lights to make it look like someone is home, and can include video monitoring so you can keep an eye on your kids, your pets or your home when you are away.
Security Tip #5. Remove the Hidden Key
It’s common for homeowners to hide a house key somewhere outside on the property in case they ever get themselves locked out and need a way in. This is a dangerous practice, as burglars know where to look for a hidden house key. Set a new year’s resolution to remove the hidden key and smart locks that can be locked or unlocked by your smartphone. In the event that you lose your keys or somehow lock yourself out, or if a house sitter forgets to lock up, you can remotely lock up or easily let yourself in.
Reach Out to AST London in 2020 to Discuss Your Security Needs
Our security products also include sales, installation and maintenance of access control systems, CCTV Systems, Automatic Doors, Electric Gates, Communal Entrance Doors, Secure Mail Boxes and more. Chat to us today to request a quote.